sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010

If I were...

If I were rich, I would continue working and live a stress-free life.
If I had another job, I'd like to be a dancer.

What about you? Image you're given the chance to be the president of your country.
What would you do if you were the president of Brazil?

If I were the president...

47 comentários:

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  2. If I were president I would seek more education, invest in schools and encouraged more teachers, because a doctor had not seen a doctor without going through the teacher. It would seek also the health, safety, also points that need to be analyzed.

    Se eu fosse presidente eu visaria mais a educação, investiria nas escolas e incentivava mais os professores, porque um médico não vira médico sem passar pelo professor. Visaria também a área da saúde, segurança, pontos também que precisam ser analisados.

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  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. If I were president of Brazil, I would invest in health and education.

    Se eu fosse presidente do Brasil, eu investiria em saúde e educação.

    By: Rafael dos Santos 3°D

  6. If I were president would invest in education, promote courses to train our professores.Investiria in technological development, increase the number of public universities and give the person access to higher education

  7. If I were president, would make it compulsory military service
    for all the young Brazilians, that would remove many of
    marginality to be citizens, not to mention that it is precisely
    faixetária that young people are more prone to
    crime and drug use, fighting thus directly
    trafficking and many other atrocities that we see out there, would make
    all health be more accessible to people.

    Sérgio Leonardo 3ºB


    Se eu fosse presidente, tornaria obrigatório o serviço militar
    para todos os jovens brasileiros, por que tiraria muitos deles da
    marginalidade para serem cidadões, sem falar que é justamente
    nessa faixetária que os jovens estão mais propensos à
    criminalidade e o usos de drogas, combatendo assim, diretamente o
    tráfico e tantas outras barbáries que vemos por aí; iria fazer de
    tudo para a saúde ser mais acessível ao povo.

    Sérgio Leonardo 3ºB

  8. Well, not wanting to humiliate the president, but I literally rule, and would do justice to my position and function of representing a nation with no personal interests and políticos.Reformularia the INSS (into something relevant and fair), introduced the death penalty, the unemployment would try to take care of it tries to soften, cause for hope is the last to die, even though he was entitled to have that roubadinha course nobody's fool and look primarily to education in my view is the basis of everything.


    Bom, não querendo humilhar os presidentes, mas eu literalmente governaria, e faria jus ao meu cargo e função de representar uma nação sem interesses pessoais e políticos.Reformularia o INSS (transformando em algo competente e justo), implantaria a pena de morte, o desemprego tentaria tomar conta disso para tenta amenizar, pq a esperança é a ultima que morre, mesmo fazendo jus ia ter aquela roubadinha é claro que ninguém é besta e olharia principalmente pra educação que ao meu ver é a base de tudo.

    Matheus Alef 3ºD

  9. What would I do if were president of the Brazil?

    Prioritized education first, because it is the key to the sucess of the nation, did his best to raise the minimun wage, because I know how hard life is and money is essential. But my biggest goal was to transform our society fragile in a country right and just, because is our falt and leaves too much to be desired . . .

    Iury do Carmo 3º B

  10. Its president would be a house a cancer-fighting more equipped to save the world's population nessecitade this benefit, and by lying to the teacher's salary 2,510,00 because the most important professional goals and the teacher.

  11. If I were president worry more
    imposed on education in poor neighborhoods, would place a bus service to all
    who have needs.

    Vanessa Silva 3ºD

  12. If I were president
    First: Gather all the mayors and talk
    about what the city is in need.
    Then seek to resolve problems as
    violence, employment, security and housing.
    Third: It would increase the means of transport, place
    more teachers in schools and students.
    Give jobs to all who need it.

    Diogo 3ºB

  13. Investing in education, so that distribute income
    the country could become less unequal.
    create tax incentives to attract new enterprises with
    thus generate more jobs,
    Reshape the current healthcare system, assigning responsibility
    Federal Hospitals and health centers

  14. If I were president, would seek to listen to people, seeing the need for each region seeking to assist them in their present needs and also take care of health, education and especially sanitation. We also seek to decrease the maximum external debt by creating an internal economy.


    Se eu fosse presidente, procuraria ouvir a população, vendo a necessidade de cada região procurando os ajudar em suas necessidades presentes e também cuidaria da saúde,educação e principalmente saneamento básico. Também procuraria diminuir no máximo as dividas externas criando uma economia interna.

    Alanna Oliveira 3°D

  15. If I were president, I would aim to help poor and humble people who have a minimum wage. Build factories for jobs, establish training courses for young apprentices, improve health, education and security projects for deploying them.


    Se eu fosse presidente, eu visaria ajudar pessoas humildes e carentes que possuem um salário minimo. Construiria fábricas para empregos, implantaria cursos para jovens menores aprendizes, melhoraria a área da saúde, educação e segurança implantando projetos para os mesmos.

    Carolina Andrade 3°D

  16. If I were the president of Brazil, I would improve the wages of civil servants and increase the minimum wage.
    Would invest in national industries and seek to provide quality education to specialize in population for the labor market options.

    Fábio Vinícius 3ºD

  17. If I were president, I would care more about my country by investing primarily in health and education. Would look for ways to stop developing it to the max, so that people could always count on good jobs. Invest in security, to wipe out drug dealers preventing drug trafficking and smuggling.


    Seu eu fosse presidente, eu iria cuidar mais do meu país, investindo primeiramente na saúde e na educação. Iria procurar meios parar desenvolve-lo ao máximo, para que a população pudesse sempre contar com bons empregos. Investiria na segurança, para acabar de vez com os traficantes evitando o trafico de drogas e o contrabando.

    Thaís Lordêlo, 3ºD.

  18. If I had the chance to be president, would invest more in education in this country is through her that we could take thousands of young people today are delivered to the world of addictions. This would be my goal plan, children would have to stay in school full time, off the streets, better oversee the money targeted cities and standardize hospitals. This is so that there was inequality in the care of the public network, launched sustainability projects and take better care of our most precious asset is our natural wealth.

  19. Will go to increase the wage minimo for 1000$ will pay to divide external and will go to give educaçao for all,and a better life.

  20. If was president of Brazil I would invest more in education,healt and security,because to country if develop is need have a education of qualit.

  21. If I were president I would turn more accessible the rights of the citizens like education,health,habitation and others things

    Bruna Drisostes 3ºD

  22. If I were presindent of Brazil, I will make a revolution in education, i'll supervise the Members and Senators, and listen the population to better and change their lives.

    Laiane dos Santos 3º B

  23. If I were president, would do the best for the population seeking to meet the basic needs internally to improve our country. It would change some laws and create new social inclusion projects, family and school, for health and education ensures the future of the nation.

    Isabela Barreto 3º B

  24. If I were president, would give priority to health, jobs and security. Revalue the minimum wage and transform Brazil into a global superpower, or at least tried.

    Ana Carolina 3º B

  25. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  26. If I were president would invest in education, improve public health in the country. Provide free courses for people to qualify well and have a job worthy of a good salary. Jobs have left, what is missing are really qualified for it.

    By: Jamile Almeida 3ºC

  27. If I were president, I would be a populist president and my first step would be to do away with wage policy. For every political candidate only because of his financial allowance.
    Institute the basic pension, would distribute the income equally to all Brazilians, would increase the salary cap (mostly teachers) and create an agency to root out corruption.
    Also improving the education, because without quality education a country does not grow, creating more universities and investing in the preparation of youth and children.
    health was another focus, the NHS is the health plan more expensive and more precarious.
    Would require that all politicians had a college degree and a specialization in political science.
    Maybe if I were president Brazil really better, because there would be only a puppet, which serves only to receive the name of President of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
    Twenty years from now maybe I candidate, if it does, vote for me. (rsrsrs)

    Se eu fosse o presidente, eu seria uma presidente populista e minha primeira medida seria acabar com salário para políticos. Pois todo político só se candidata por causa de seus abono financeiro.
    Instituiria a reforma de base, distribuiria a renda igualmente para todos os brasileiros, aumentaria o teto salarial(principalmente dos professores) e criaria um órgão para acabar com a corrupção.
    Também melhoria área da educação, pois sem educação de qualidade um país não cresce, criando mais universidades e investindo na preparação de jovens e crianças.
    a saúde seria outro enfoque, pois o SUS é o plano de saúde mais caro e o mais precário.
    Obrigaria que todos os políticos tivessem curso superior e especialização em ciências políticas.
    Talvez se eu fosse presidente o Brasil realmente melhorasse, pois não seria apenas um fantoche, que serve apenas para receber o nome de presidente da república federativa do brasil.
    Daqui a vinte anos talvez até me candidate, se isso ocorrer, votem em mim. (rsrsrs)

  28. I if this power to be the president I would improve the wages of teachers to provide English courses to take trips and improve the lives of my professoraa .. thiago alves 3d

  29. If was president of Brazil I would give priority to health,invest more in educatione the distribute the income equally to all Brazilians..
    BY: Ueslei Schat 3ºD

  30. If I were president would take measures that would be relevant to society in stages:

    * The mandate would be 6 years.
    *- Minimum Wages and 13th salary would be extinguished and all receive hourly wages and more vacation every year.
    * Invest primarily in education and health.
    * The corruption would be tackled with maximum rigor.

    Elisson Bruno 3°D

  31. If I was president of my country I would try to understand more people of the peripheries , people who live the margin of the society , would implant more projects related the education and the health would decrease the inflations , and it definitively would try of the better form finish with the illiteracy , finally the education would be my larger preoccupation .

    Se eu fosse presidente do meu país eu procuraria entender mais as pessoas das periferias , as pessoas que vivem a margem da sociedade , implantaria mais projetos relacionados a educação e a saúde diminuiria as inflações , e definitivamente tentaria da melhor forma acabar com o analfabetismo , enfim a educação seria a minha maior preocupação .

    Marlana Evellin 3º D

  32. If you were president of Brazil, improve security, improve health, and invest more in education, where people were in low condition and difficult access. A president is from Brazil and not just a city or capital.


    Se fosse presidente do Brasil, melhoraria a segurança, melhoraria na saúde, e investiria mais na educação, onde estivesse pessoas com pouca condição e dificil acesso. Um presidente é do Brasil e não de uma cidade ou capital apenas.

  33. If I were president of Brazil would invest in security, education and health, it is the basis of every society. Increase the number of places in universities, so that people would have more chances to study to improve the standard of living. Security is necessary for every human being, it is never too much. We must respect the natural beauty of Brazil. The health is still a precarious situation in our country, because the amount of people who are dying for lack of medical care today is growing ever more, so we need to pay special attention to the Brazilians toward a healthier life.

    Gabriela Macêdo 3º D

  34. Se eu fosse chefe maior da nação Brasileira investiria em educação;Ensino básico,fundamental,médio e superior e na construção de escolas de profissionalização. Na saúde investiria fábulas de dinheiro na construção de centros especializados (câncer,coração e etc). Na economia incentivaria,através de empréstimos, o surgimento de novas empresas o que diversificaria mais o mercado brasileiro.Estimularia os jovens a terem esportes como profissão, através de programas diversificados quem os dariam suporte.

    Raí Andrade 3°C

  35. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  36. If I were president of this wonderful country! Create a plan to eliminate poverty people put the death penalty, the unification of police to create an intelligence center, expand PROUNI become flexible to be adapted paras the most diverse regions of Brazil. I also try to put everything in order, but would not be as easy as you are years of corruption and inverted values in politics. But as hope is the last to die I would form a team with the most trusted politicians.

    Tradução :

    Se eu fosse presidente desse país maravilhoso ! Criaria um plano pra eliminação da pobreza pessoas implantaria a pena de morte, unificação das policias para criar um centro de inteligência, ampliaria o PROUNI tornado flexível para ser adaptado paras as mais diversas regiões do Brasil. Eu também tentaria colocar ordem em tudo, porém não seria tão fácil, visto que são anos de corrupção e valores invertidos na política. Mas como a esperança é a última que morre eu formaria uma equipe com os políticos mais confiáveis.

    Castilho Júnior 3°A

  37. Se eu fosse presidente do meu país tentaria melhorar a educação saúde segurança,investiria nos jovens principalmente,mas sem esquecer os idosos, pois eles são o futuro da nação. Trabalharia em cima da criação de novos empregos para que a população brasileira progrida e combateria a fome !
    Andrey Couto 3 ° c

    If I was president of my country would try to improve education, health security, invest in young people especially, but not forgetting the elderly because they are the future of the nation. Work upon the creation of new jobs for the Brazilian population has progressed and would fight hunger!
    Andre Couto 3 ° c

  38. Se eu fosse chefe maior da nação Brasileira investiria em educação;Ensino básico,fundamental,médio e superior e na construção de escolas de profissionalização. Na saúde investiria fábulas de dinheiro na construção de centros especializados (câncer,coração e etc). Na economia incentivaria,através de empréstimos, o surgimento de novas empresas o que diversificaria mais o mercado brasileiro.Estimularia os jovens a terem esportes como profissão, através de programas diversificados quem os dariam suporte.

    If I were head the nation's largest Brazilian invest in education, basic education, elementary, middle and upper schools and the construction of professionalization. In health fables invest money in building specialized centers (cancer, heart, etc.). In the scheme would encourage, through loans, the emergence of new businesses which diversify the market brasileiro.Estimularia more young people to have sports as a profession through diversified programs who would support them.

    Andrade Rai 3 ° C

  39. Se eu tivesse a oportunidade de ser o presidente do Brasil eu procuraria primeiramente reduzir os impostos de produtos de primeira necessidade assim iria reduzir a fome, investiria significativamente na educação, cursos tecnicos e etc... !

    If I had the opportunity to be the president of Brazil I would look first to cut taxes for basic necessities would thus reduce hunger, invest significantly in education, courses and technicians etc ... !

  40. Group:Victor , Roberta , Alessandra , Iasmin e Gabriela Marx 2ºB

    I was at the party Raghatoni Band With my sisters, who always make me company and being that the party was in the Concha Acústica I could not go alone.
    As might be expected, there were many and incredibly I knew many people who were lá.O that made me more loose to dance.
    And when famine struck that I could buy one then fried or salty drinks sure most alcoholic but I was only in coconut water. The party was thrilled with the sound of the crowd waved Pagodão.
    Although the party has been very good I did not know anyone out there who I conhecia.A party ended at about two o'clock and I'm as good party girl who stayed till the end.

    (O texto foi feito com base nas perguntas do caderno e as respostas foram dadas pela aluna Roberta Juliana vulgo: Ró )

    PS:Todos colaboraram na construção do texto.

  41. If I were president I would invest in schools, educating people of character and able to fight for their country. Thus half the problems would diminish. Make the right oas workers a day to fellowship together, once a month, to unite and make the most harmonious coexistence. Increase the number of employees in the health system and ultimately a good salary increase.

    Paula Caroline 3ºC

  42. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  43. If I were president of Brazil, first invest in education, which is the basis for the development of people awakening them to create their own views and expose them, a new methodology that would seek to flee from archaic styles, free to create and develop strategies to reduce social segregation.
       With a solid educational foundation would invest in health, through programs of public awareness as well as factors of paramount importance as it directly interferes sanitation for healthy living.


    Se eu fosse presidente do Brasil, investiria em primeiro lugar na educação, que é base para o desenvolvimento das pessoas despertando-as para criarem suas próprias opiniões e expô-las, visaria uma metodologia nova que fugisse de estilos arcaicos, livre para criar e desenvolver estratégias para amenizar a segregação social
    Com uma firme base educacional investiria na saúde, através de programas de conscientização popular como também em fatores de suma importância como o saneamento básico.

  44. well, if I had the opportunity to rule my country would give priority to investing in the health and eudaçao, parallel to this would stimulate the search for a peaceful and happy life. A wise ruler is able to guarantee the stability of a country and love among its inhabitants.


  45. If I were the president of Brazil, would prioritize the needs of each region, would help the neediest first, invest more in education and health. Also take care of the safety of my country, creating more jobs and schools, with the idea of reducing the violence.
    Seek to correct the mistakes of previous presidents and would not let me be contaminated by corruption.

    Thaís Santana 3° D

  46. If I were President ....
    Begin to see what the people needed most.
    Improve education because it is the foundation of everything ...
    Would make investment in the work ...
    Put social projects to encourage the culture ...
    Protect the Amazon forest that is our greater good ....
    In order to give new steps, reinforcing the structure of the country for the better development of the same with the community.

  47. I have no campaign promises to do, as my opponents but more government goals
    Our country will only become a condition of development to look when I get back to his people, so invested in a preventive health, which enables a significant improvement in public hospitals.
    A policy based on the socioeconomic structure of the lower classes would increase their purchasing power, thus creating a chain that goes from more labor to manufacture products to their final destination.
    Being God's will and with the hope you'll be elected president of Brazil.


    Não tenho promessas de campanha pra fazer ,como os meus adversários mais sim metas de governo
    Nosso país só passará de uma condição de DESENVOLVIMENTO para DESENVOLVIDO quando voltar o olhar para seu povo ,investido assim em uma saúde preventiva, que possibilite uma melhora significativa nos hospitais públicos.
    Uma politica socioeconômica baseada na estruturação das classes menos favorecidas elevaria o seu poder de compra, gerando assim uma cadeia, que vai desde mais mão de obra na fabricação dos produtos até o seu destino final.
    Sendo da vontade de Deus e com o voto de vocês serei eleito presidente do Brasil.

    Emanuell Menezes. 3º C
