quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011
Job Corner
If you have to star working today, all you can offer is what you already know. The basic skills you learned in Basic Education are valued in the labor market.
If you are a good reader, for example, you can do more tasks than a person that has poor reading skills. The same can be said about math and language skills. Your personal hygiene and manners, too, will make a difference.
If you want higher salaries and more recognition at work, you have to learn more. There are many schools that teach technical and general work skills. There are different kinds of courses in universities, with different formats and lengths. There are distance learning programs by mail, on Tv, or on the Internet.
What are your current skills that can be used for work? How are you going to prepare to have more skills?
already= já current= atual mail= correio
poor= fraco reader= leitor skill= habilidade
task= tarefa to learn= aprender to value= valorizar
A. Answer the questions according to the text.
1. What are the kind of things that you can offer in the labor market today?
2. What do you have to do if want a higher salary?
3. The last paragraph contains questions. Discuss them with your classmates (discussion in Portuguese).
Fonte: (Challenge, vol. único, pág. )
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We live in a capitalist society and very busy. In course of time the ways to get a good job and a good salary is difficult, and our society is not satisfied with the basics and not with common, but with more innovations and distinctive capabilities. The society develops itsselection requirements and with it opportunities, courses, tenders appear. Considering that the candidates do not offer the necessary qualification, I realize that failure is not related to jobs available but in most qualified candidates. However, I believe that to be featured on thesociety's employment requires good qualification, quality, and basic skills. Finally, make a diference.
ResponderExcluirAdriane de Almeida Santos 3ºD
Employment is high in the country, according to polls. The difficulty is to fill certain vacancies offered by companies in roles that require skilled personnel, especially skilled technicians
ResponderExcluirA general problem in Brazil is due to the absence of a higher level of specialized professionals such as engineers, and working man with specific training, for which demand can be met with the promotion of short courses, without requiring high level of education
To account for the sustained growth in the country, it is necessary to train new professionals to qualify the available labor
Hugo Abreu 3ºD
I believe that I, like everyone has several skills that can be "polished" and usedin the labor market, this cut may come in vocational courses or even by their ownpersonal talent. I sincerely doubt I'm in to answer this question because I do not know myself what I can offer best. I chose for my future profession of the exact area,although not as "expert" in the area, I have great taste for it, and I believe so, Iperfected what I like, I can achieve professional and personal success in the labor market.
ResponderExcluirThe main "method" to get higher wages is pleased to work and have strong willto always do your best. So, I want better jobs (of course without exaggeration andobsessions) and achieve better financial returns.
Relativo à discussão com colegas:
Sinceramente não sei as minhas melhores competencias rsrsrsrs, talvez minha facilidade de aprendizado possa me ajudar a me fixar numa determinada área que eu tenha gosto. Vou me preparar atraves do estudo, vejo que ele é essencial não apenas para tirar boas notas na escola,mas também para a vida, em todos os sentidos,mas para isso preciso lutar contra algo que me persegue que é a preguiça kkkkkkk. Assim espero estar sempre preparado paras as dificuldades que sempre existirão e ter sabedoria de vencê-las. Espero ter respondido com clareza :)
Paulo Dantas 3ºC
To live in a society informed and specialized, it is extremely essential to know and show you know. But for that, it is necessary to study since the early years of life with basic education and to specialize in a mature age, for that there are universities that offer various courses. But the problem is not lack of them, nor the opportunities but the willpower of Brazilians want to study. Wanting already has 90% of the battle, the rest is looking for opportunities. Do as I do, say yourself: I want, I can, I'll make it and nobody will stop me!
ResponderExcluirRicardo Souza Lessa 3º D
Will offer a job done with earnestness will do everything to improve the environment where I will spend trabalharei.E enough, looking to make improvements in my ability to get just the ki better pay.
ResponderExcluirGregorio Félix 3 ° C
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluirDaise Danielle 3 ° C
ResponderExcluir1. Today I can offer the job market: my experience with the operation of the computer,my spirit leadership and teamwork and my ability to work manuals.
2. To have a higher salary I owe study to gain experience, and always make the best possible.Far more important than knowledge is learning to learn. According to Socrates (470-399 BC) "... smarter is one who knows he does not know. " The professional of today needs to be dynamic. Observe trends, analyze the possibilities, look for the most closely identified with his diving career and studies.
Relativo à discussão com colegas:
Assim como Paulo Dantas não sei quais são minhas competências. Este é um assunto delicado para pessoas que ainda vão adentrar ao mercado de trabalho, mas meu esforço será minha marca, sei que não será fácil, mas quem disse que a vida é fácil? Afinal não existem vitórias sem lutas.
To archive our gols we need strong conviction of what we want to accomplish, especcially in the profecional life, we have to fight for both early and face the reality throught the studies and family support to archive our ideal of never giving up our dreams.
ResponderExcluir- Letícia Santana 3º D
Marizete,preciso falar com vc urgente,tem como me passar seu e mail,telefone,algo do tipo?
ResponderExcluiré serio,antes do fds preciso falar com vc!
Anderson Marques - Turma 3º C (Help Teacher "/)
ResponderExcluirWhat can I offer to the labor market ?
Well the job market now walk quite busy, so in the first place before acting in any area we must strive to achieve getting there ... I can offer to the labor market my willpower, work in team, and good dialogue are the main foundation for success!
What do I do to get high salaries?
I think the first step for better wages is the willpower and determination presented in the working environment ... Or study hard to get a good course top, which can offer good wages.
We can offer many things dedication, commitment, determination, obedience, and especially the ability to always want to learn more every day, never refuse to acquire new knowledge. To get a higher salary is much study needed to achieve a good job and devote as much, because nothing falls from the sky.
ResponderExcluirAdrielli Santana 3º A
Can offer the job market everything I have learned over the years, they are correct the mistakes made by myself, with patience and perseverance because I have to offer is the best, leaving nothing for the last minute to work and not cause end up doing everything wrong and repent in the end ahead of nothing.All not want the best for themselves, but many are not trying hard enough, and the effort moves barriers despite the difficulties we all face and the exercise of continuous reading, writing always will be instrumental in the career of an individual.
ResponderExcluirRelativo a discussão com os colegas:
Não tenho muito a oferecer ao mercado de trabalho,pois ainda faltam muitas experiências cursos e um longo trajeto a ser explorado, mas as únicas coisas que conquistei ao longo do tempo são o respeito, dignidade, nada é de graça, não perca tempo e uma série de frases.
Pretendo nunca deixar de lado os estudos e correr para o mercado de trabalho sem me especializar,quero com certeza me formar e deixar de lado a dependência.
Anne Salém 3ºB
Professora por favor eu preciso que a senhora me ajude a me tirar da recuperação de ingles,eu só preciso de 1,0 ponto...Eu consegui um trabalho que vai começar no dia 01/12 no dia da prova e não posso faltar ai fica difícil fazer a prova...
ResponderExcluirPor favor me ajuda prof.Pensa no caso tá?
Leonardo Brito 3°A